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Vida Real TV

Vida Real TV
diciembre 3, 2021

Now Hear This

One of the primary ways that God speaks to us is through His Word. When He speaks, He does so…
Vida Real TV
noviembre 19, 2021

S.I.N. Positive

Testing “positive” seems to be a hot topic at this time in history. Let’s take a look at the results…
Vida Real TV
octubre 29, 2021

Truth Or Consequences

While the world pushes the narrative that truth is relative, irrefutable evidence proves this is false. Join Pastor Jack as…
Vida Real TV
octubre 15, 2021

Behind The Mask

The apostle Paul issues a strong warning in the book of Romans against having a worldly lifestyle hidden behind a…
Vida Real TV
octubre 8, 2021

The Right Faith

Christianity isn’t belonging to a church or displaying a Bible verse on your T-shirt or car. True Christianity is determining…
Vida Real TV
septiembre 24, 2021

Why? Why? Why?

When things seem out of our control, the question we most often stop to ask is: Why? If we aren’t…