Vida Real TV octubre 19, 2015 Will You Cry Out To The Lord? – Part 1 Definition: dis·tress - noun - extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. In your life, you will experience distress. Maybe you or…
Vida Real TV octubre 12, 2015 21st Century Christian – Part 2 Do you really know God's word? Are you prepared for what God wants to do?
Vida Real TV octubre 5, 2015 21st Century Christian – Part 1 We live in a time when lies masquerade as truth. Logic and reason have become uncommon. Pastor Jack brings us…
Vida Real TV septiembre 28, 2015 Jack & Alan Shlemon of Stand To Reason – Part 2 Christians are called to share the Gospel, proclaim the truth, and be ambassadors for God. How do we do that?…
Vida Real TV septiembre 21, 2015 Jack Hibbs discusses the spiritual battle and God’s armor Whether we realize it or not we’re all in a spiritual battle and simply being a spectator isn’t enough. We…
Vida Real TV septiembre 14, 2015 Pastor Jack and Apologist Dr. Frank Turek Discuss Atheism Pastor Jack and Dr. Frank Turek discuss evidence for the existence of God. “The elephant in the room,” Frank says,…
Vida Real TV septiembre 7, 2015 Pastor Jack and Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason – Part 1 Can you communicate the truth effectively, in a loving, honest fashion to someone you disagree with? Pastor Jack and apologist…
Vida Real TV agosto 31, 2015 Pastor Jack and Dr. Jeff Myers of Summit Ministries Discuss Today’s Youth Are we preparing our youth for life? Can your teen answer the following: Why am I here? Do I matter?…
Vida Real TV agosto 24, 2015 Pastor Jack and Dr. Frank Turek Discuss Same Sex Marriage and Our Christian Response Pastor Jack and author Dr. Frank Turek, discuss homosexuality and same sex marriage. What does biology communicate? Does the Bible…
Vida Real TV agosto 17, 2015 Scars of War: Hurt, Healing, Hope – Damon Friedman Part 2 Pastor Jack and Major Damon Friedman discuss PTSD and the scars of war. We’ve all experienced hurt and pain…even if…
Vida Real TV agosto 10, 2015 Scars of War: Hurt, Healing, Hope – Damon Friedman Part 1 Pastor Jack discusses with Major Damon Friedman on how God got his attention on the battlefield.
Vida Real TV agosto 3, 2015 Marriage: How Then Shall We Live? – Part 2 Pastor Jack helps us understanding God's view on the recent Supreme Court Decision on Marriage. RLV215 - Real Life TV